
Where are Guchen Thermo Distributors Locate?

Where are Guchen Thermo Distributors Locate?

With the world developing, it is more easier to get the fresh foods from all over the world than before. No matter where you live, you can always get your fresh foods. And in this reason, Guchen Thermo transport refrigeration units are necessary for the world’s cold chain transportation.

Our company and factory is located in China, and we don’t have any branch offices in other countries, which is one of the reason that we reduce cost and give our customers reasonable price! With more and more end customers finding us and have difficulty in installation transport refrigeration units by themselves, and we finally find a good idea to solve the problem that we are looking for distributors in customers local areas, so they can give our end users the best after sales service!

Where Guchen Thermo Distributors Locate?

Guchen Thermo transport refrigeration units with its high quality and reasonable price earn our customers and distributors’ high praise. As for now, we have our distributors in the following countries:

▲ Mauritius
▲ Angola
▲ South Africa
▲ Argentina
▲ Chile
▲ Serbia
▲ Russia
▲ Hungary

guchen thermo distributors
PHOTO: Guchen Thermo Distributors Sign in the Agreement 

So do you have rich experience in famous brands transport refrigeration units sales? Are you working on the refrigerated truck body factory? Do you have interested in the refrigerated trucks?

We hereby formally invite world-wide companies, who has been dealing with truck refrigeration equipment, auto air conditioning units for years or just interested in this industrial sector and try to make a long-term development through the following years' efforts, to act as our exclusive agent in the specified local market.

We always provide customers with safe, comfortable, durable and qualified products & prompt-efficient services at competitive prices on win-win cooperating basis, we believe we can, and we will, become the customer's foremost choice in transport refrigeration industrial sector.

We Guchen Thermo Co,.Ltd. Sincerely welcome you to join us as our transport refrigeration units distributors in your local ares!

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This article is from: Where are Guchen Thermo Distributors Locate?

know more about Guchen Thermo at : www.guchenthermo.com 
or Contact us at: info@guchenthermo.com 

